Martina Strusny - The Geography of the Imagination

30 05 2013

Martina Strusny, One Day, 2010

Martina Strusny - The Geography of the Imagination


The installations and objects of Martina Strusny (1973) reflect her search for  the Essence of the Sublime. ‘The sublime is something that I experience in the natural and that gives me the sensation of something supernatural. My whole work is about approaching the Sublime and catch something that can't be said, which I could describe as the truth beyond everything. Not a scientific truth or a philosophic truth, more a poetic truth. It always stays vague, so it stays fleeting, thoughtful and light. I am seduced by transparency. In elements as water and wind I observe a powerful ability of adaptation and change, as well as an calming understanding about endlessness. And in fleeting thoughts that happen to appear throughout unconscious daily reflection, I find surprising conclusions.’

Exposorium Vrije Universiteit
VU, De Boelelaan 1105

Drs. Hendriekje Bosma
020 598 56 48
website: /over de VU/cultuur/Exposorium

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